Manufaturer: KANOMAX JAPAN
Model: 2212
Product code
Price 4,250.04 USD
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  • Measurement target: Clean air flow
  • Carbon monoxide (CO) measurement method: Electrochemical formula
  • (Measurement range: 0.1 - 500ppm
  • (Display resolution: 0.1 - 99.9ppm: 0.1ppm, 100 - 500ppm: 1ppm)
  • (Measurement accuracy: The larger value of ±3% of the indicated value and ±3ppm (at 20℃))
  • (Responsiveness: Approximately 60 seconds (90% response, When using calibration cap))
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement method: Non dispersive Infrared (NDIR)
  • (Measurement range: 0 - 5000ppm)
  • (Display resolution: 1ppm)
  • (Measurement accuracy: The larger value of ±3% of the indicated value and ±50ppm (at 20℃))
  • (Responsiveness: Approximately 45 seconds (90% response, When using calibration cap))
  • Temperature measuring method: Platinum resistance thermometer method
  • (Measurement range: -20.0 - 60.0℃)
  • (Display resolution: 0.1℃)
  • (Measurement accuracy: ±0.5℃)
  • (Responsiveness: Approximately 60 seconds or less (wind speed 1m/s, 90% response))
  • Humidity measuring method: Capacitance type
  • (Measurement range: 2.0 - 98.0%RH)
  • (Display resolution: 0.1%RH)
  • (Measurement accuracy: 2 - 80%RH: ±2.0%RH, 80 - 98%RH: ±3.0%RH)
  • (Responsiveness: Approximately 15 seconds (90% response))
  • Measurement function: Measurement value hold, Maximum value hold,
  • Battery remaining amount display (5 stages), Time display function, Atmospheric pressure correction function, Gas Calibration
  • Change for the unit of measurement (Temperature, dew-point temperature, wet-bulb temperature: ℃ or ?
  • Absolute temperature: g/m3 or lb/ft3 (Humidity rate: g/kg or lb/lb)
  • Maximum, minimum, average value measurement (measurement interval: 1 - 999 seconds, Measurement times: 1 - 999 times, Maximum memory: 1500 data), Ventilation rate measurement
  • Output function (digital output): RS-232C (baud rate: 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400bps) (*For output/input to printer, PC)
  • Output function (analog output) * DC0 - 1V (CO, CO2, Temperature, Humidity; whichever to 1ch output)
  • Power supply: AA Dry cell x 6 pieces (Alkaline cell is available), AC adapter *: 100 - 240VAC (50/60Hz)
  • Continuous measurement hour: Approximately 10 hours (Temperature: 20℃, When alkaline cell is used, When RS-232C is not used)
  • Operating temperature environment: Body/5 - 40℃, Probe/- 20 - 60℃ (non condensing for both)
  • Storage temperature environment: - 20 - 60℃ (non condensing)
  • Weight: Body/Approximately 400g (including cell), Probe/Approximately 250g
  • Outer dimensions: Body/Approximately 88 x 188 x 51mm, Probe measurement unit/Approximately φ25 x 169mm, Probe Grip/Approximately φ32 x 151mm
  • Accessories: Carrying case x 1 piece, AA dry battery x 6 pieces, Cap and tube for calibration x 1 set, Probe stand x 1 piece, Simplified measurement software (Windows version) x 1 set, RS-232C communication cable x 1 piece, Instruction manual x 1 volume
  • Optional product: Preliminary probe, Analog output, Printer, Printer cable, Zero gas, CO span gas, CO2 span gas, Regulator, AC adapter
  • *means optional item
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